Forest Fold Allotments 2

The Forest Fold Tenants’ Association has developed a very good community spirit and the establishment of its own Facebook page has helped bring Tenants together with the added benefits of a Swap Table where Tenants can share and swap spare produce, plants, seeds and recyclable items. In addition to this the Forest Fold Site has also donated plants to both Shevington High School Sensory Garden and Shevington Vale Primary School Eco Friendly Garden.


The site consists of 44 allotment plots. The allotment plots range in size from just over 100 square metres to over 450 square metres.


There are 12 raised bed plots which are available for less abled people and form part of the Forest Fold Allotment Site. These are situated in a separate fenced and gated area near the Bowling Green Car Park and adjacent to the Edible Appley Bridge beds. Each raised bed allocation consists of 2 beds, raised to approximately waist height, 1.2m wide and 4.8m long; these currently cost a token £5 annual rent. Arrangements can be made for 1 bed to be rented (rents pro rata). Raised bed plot holders have access to water via a hosepipe and a shared storage shed.

There is a waiting list for Allotment plots for residents residing within the Parish of Shevington and the Waiting List Officer can be contacted via the Clerk to the Parish Council. The Council's allotments policy can be found . . . here.

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